Lesson1: Life is full of choices. those who think they can't choose, let others make choices for them. Lesson 2: In a battle, the one who has conscience lose. Lesson 3: Love makes us vulnerable; love makes us obsessed; love makes us blind.
真的太太太太太好了E1的梦境希拉里和川普—the bad or the worse的思辨和通透E7引入爱泼斯坦案渐进的悬疑推理式推动似真似假;E3戏剧对每个主角的心理影射lucca和富婆(们)的戏份Memo618的推进以及Julius在这季中真是两米八 《梦月精灵动画片全集》到第四季早已不是老中青三代女律师的奋斗史了我也很遗憾这季lucca的线越来越脱离主轨道但是取之而来的这一季透露着让我喜欢的快节奏和大气:一边是与时俱进的新鲜感和紧张感一边是对时代和社会的不断反思正如Diane说“Justice equals the law times the zeitgeist.” 希望下一季保持这样的好水准不要停我太太太太太爱了